Entropic Thoughts

.NET on Linux: What a Contrast

.NET on Linux: What a Contrast

Almost five years ago I wrote a brief history about .net on non-Windows platforms. I stumbled over that article now and it resurfaced traumatic memories of navigating .net development on Linux and MacOS.

Even back in 2019, it was mostly fine to run .net code on Linux (in production) but the documentation and tooling for development was not there at all.1 I got into .net development when my then-new employer was in the middle of transitioning from .net Framework to .net Core, so my non-Windows work computer ended up being a lab rat for all sorts of unexpected compatibility problems. I still don’t fully understand why I thought it was a good idea to try to port applications I wasn’t even able to compile – much less run – to the new framework, but it worked out fine in the end. (It was not just that these applications used the fcl, they also integrated with Windows functionality.)

That experience was, and the article was written, when .net Core 2.1 was the latest production-friendly release. In some sense, it was just yesterday, but in another, it’s a world away. Even just two or three years later, the tooling and documentation had improved to levels I didn’t anticipate. Today, I still write .net code (for a different employer) and I can barely tell whether I’m on Windows or Linux.

It speaks to how much an organisation with a big wallet and willingness to invest can shift things in a brief amount of time – but also, I think, how other companies (I’m looking at you, JetBrains) can set a standard for cross-platform tooling that the original company is forced to live up to in order not to lose too much market share.