Entropic Thoughts

Launching a Much-Requested Newsletter

Launching a Much-Requested Newsletter

I have many times had requests for delivering updates to this site via email, and perhaps even sharing some less formal observations through that avenue.

This has now become possible because as we are approaching the ten-year anniversary of this web site, Justin Duke over at Buttondown reached out and very generously offered me to use their service for free. I had already been eyeing Buttondown as it seems like one of the better platforms for a newsletter, so this offer was too good to turn down.

I will run a weekly newsletter with mainly summaries and links to new articles published here. If this is something that could interest you, you should subscribe. You can always unsubscribe if it’s not to your liking. You may find the email-based updates slightly superior to rss, because I have still not been able to take the time to add article summaries to the rss feed, but the email updates will have them.

If you are like me and guard your inbox jealously, you are also free to hold off until there are some issues in the archives so you can judge for yourself whether you’d like to receive updates actively.

I have a lot of respect for the trust of those readers who choose to give me access to their inboxes, and I will work very hard not to abuse it. But I also cannot do it on my own. Please let me know when I’m doing something wrong – you truly cannot be too critical.