Entropic Thoughts

Entropic Thoughts: New Name for Two-Wrongs

Entropic Thoughts: New Name for Two-Wrongs

When I started this website up – dear $deity – ten years ago, I worked my first real job at a place that didn’t do software development very well, and so I planned on writing about things that were bad programming. Hence the name Two Wrongs: I frequently saw two wrongs conspiring in commits1 Actually maybe they hadn’t fully adopted version control yet. I don’t remember. at the time, and to not go crazy, I needed to unload into the void.

I have not worked at that job for a long time now, but once I opened the word spigot, it has been hard to shut closed. There are a surprising number of things that are underserved by other writers online (who would have thought!)

The name Two Wrongs has not been a good fit for this site for most of its lifetime. I have finally gotten around to changing it. Welcome to Entropic Thoughts.

The canonical url will still remain two-wrongs.com for a while, but entropicthoughts.com now redirects to here – and at some point soon, I will swap the roles of those two domains. I will keep two-wrongs.com redirecting here for as long as I can, because good webmasters don’t kill links in the wild.